United with our Wildlife
2 min readMar 7, 2022


The UN’s sustainable goal number 15 has ambitious goals that require a global level of corporation. To some it may seem like common sense, but to other what we can do to help solve these problems that face today can be complex and confusing.

Author Mahmoud Mohieldin is the vice president of UN Relations while also being the World Bank’s Group Senior Vice President. Mohieldin believes (2015), “Achieving these goals will require an unprecedented level of cooperation necessary to leverage available financing and knowledge resources as well as implementation modalities. An integrated, interdisciplinary approach within and across goals is required.”(p. 1) Further driving home the point that our problems revolving around ecosystems is a group effort from top to bottom. His use of language like unprecedented clearly outlines the level of undertaking keeping our habitats safe requires.

There is evidence that the sacrifice by large institutions doesn’t have to be a win-lose situation.

Reforestation efforts, particularly the experience of the republic of Korea show us that is possible to boost both GDP and job growth while reducing carbon emissions and pollution. It has been achieved by shifting from carbon-intensive industries to innovative low-carbon technologies (Mohieldin 2015).

Scientists believe that part of the solution is in the agricultural field.

Mohieldin figures (2015), “Simple interventions, such as better managing livestock to allow natural regeneration of plants and trees, have allowed rural communities under stress to rebound, increase their yields and enjoy better standards of living”(p. 3.).

Photo by Stijn te Strake on Unsplash

Another clear example that there are solutions that don’t require a groundbreaking change, just a high level of effort. If solutions are wanted I believe that science has found that they are consistently there. There are things people can do in many different areas of society to progress towards that 15th goal. It just takes a level of effort that may not yet be there.

Mohieldin, M., & Caballero, P. (2015, March). Goal 15: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. UN Chronicle, 51(4), 34+. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A417020513/GPS?u=sunybuff_main&sid=bookmark-GPS&xid=4ca63484



United with our Wildlife

A blog dedicated to the field and informative side of the United Nations Sustainable Goal #15 — Life on Land