Intro Post

United with our Wildlife
1 min readFeb 25, 2022

Growing up I always loved animals, I had a passion for them. My compassion for these beings led to me being a vegetarian for nearly 11 years of my young life. It was enthusiasm like this that made The UN’s Sustainable goal #15 for me a no brainer. I feel as if people don’t fully understand the implications of destroying our habitats and wiping out wild life, I mean they’re just animals right? But it is truly is so much more than that, and if we can highlight here at newly established blog I believe that it can make a difference in the achievement of this goal. You cannot really fix something if you don't properly understand it, and I intend to lay out the foundation of information needed to conceptualize the importance of our amazing and fascinating wildlife here on earth.

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

To lay it out more specifically here are some examples of questions we could further explore in this blog.

  • Why does every animal on our planet play an important role in the world’s ecosystem?
  • What species are closest to extinction?
  • What are the main causes of species going extinct?
  • What areas of the world are most vulnerable to extinction?
  • What can we do to help?



United with our Wildlife

A blog dedicated to the field and informative side of the United Nations Sustainable Goal #15 — Life on Land